Sunday, January 1, 2012

Having a Go at Photography!

I was reading a blog post written by a Facebook friend and was really inspired by his work on photography. He is a young man who is always full of energy and original ideas. He does not have the best camera but he makes use of what is available to him. He once told me as a student, he can’t expect his father to buy him the most expensive camera. This young man just clicks away with his phone camera and his photos are still amazing to me. The moral of the story is “ The happiest people don’t have everything, they just make the best of everything.”. Wow! This is so true! So I said to myself– if this young man can do it, I can do it too. Yesterday when I was out for a walk, I decided that I would start taking photos with my iphone. I took random flower shots and here are some of the shots.


  1. Hi Jenny, I'm a student from the University of South Alabama EDM310 class. I love your blog. I agree with you on using what you have to make it work. I love your pictures. Your iPhone camera has a great caption. The flowers is so beautiful and have great color. I think I'll take a walk and take pictures with my smart phone and digital camera. I would love to see which camera caption is the best. I'll keep this advice in mind when I start teaching my students. Make the best of what you have. Keep up the good work.

  2. Hey Jenny,

    Isn't photography so relaxing? I really like the quote you used, and it's very true! We have to make the best of what we have. Your pictures are beautiful, and it's such good quality for a phone. The iPhone can do some amazing things. Keep on clicking!


  3. Hello,
    I am currently a Secondary Education student at the University of South Alabama, in Mobile, Alabama, taking EDM 310. This class focuses on blogging and learning how to use today’s technology and applying it in the classroom. All of the students in EDM 310 were assigned a different teacher’s blog to read and summarize on our own blog. I find photography very relaxing and I love taking pictures in my down time. I actually have a wall in my house dedicated to my pictures. It has turned into a huge collage. Your pictures are great and I have learned that sometimes an iPhone camera is better than a big fancy camera. I know a bunch of people who need to read this post because they are worried about the materialistic aspects in life and not the important aspects. Thanks for the words of wisdom! If you would like to read my summary of your blog, I will be posting it April 1. Here is a link for my blog: and for our class blog: I am also on Twitter at @AbigailCooke1.

  4. Hi Jenny,
    I'm a student at the University of South Alabama. I love taking picture of everything. My mom actually started me on this fun hobby. We actually took a camera class to learn how to use a camera correctly. Taking pictures is one of my favorite things to do, you can collect so many emotions and the beauty of nature. Thank you for posting a blog reminding us about the beauty of all the little things around us.

  5. Thanks Jenny for this powerful post. I am also from EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. My name is Cassie Skidmore and I am an Elementary Education major. Your blog post seems like such a simple post but the message is so strong. For me, as a future teacher, your post reminds me that it is not about the materials we have to teach with it is how we chose to use them.

    University of South Alabama EDM310

  6. Hi Jenny! My name is Ashlea and I am from EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I am an elementary education major. I absolutely love to take pictures! I use my iPhone to take pictures more than anything else. The best part of your post is the moral behind it! "The happiest people don’t have everything, they just make the best of everything."
    I always try to make the best of everything. It makes life that much easier!


  7. Hello! My name is Jamie Ham. I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I use my iPhone almost everyday to take pictures. It could be from a beautiful sunrise or sunset to something that just catches my eye. It makes me happy to be able to put all my pictures on Facebook and save them on my computer. I can go back and look at them anytime. I also like sharing them on Facebook and Twitter, because I want all my friends to see them. Photography is great, and it inspires me in so many ways!

  8. Again, what an inspiring story from something so simple! These pictures are beautiful, with such an awesome background story to them as well! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Hi Mrs. She

    My name is Ramsey Willis and I am a graduate student at the University of South Alabama. Your pictures are amazing. I am glad that this Facebook friend of yours has inspired you to take these pictures. They are just beautiful! I like taking pictures of nature (like these) but I don't have an expensive camera either so most of the time I take pictures on my phone. We just have to do the best with what we have and it looks like you are. I haven't taken any pictures in a while but you have just inspired me to start taking pictures again. Thank you!

  10. Beautiful pictures! Love the quote! “ The happiest people don’t have everything, they just make the best of everything.” You may find this site interesting. This guy was recently at an art show that is held annually nearby, and I fell in love with his work. He prints his pictures on aluminum of all things, and they are absolutely gorgeous! David Julian
    My personal favorite is the camellia petal with the single drop of dew on it.

  11. Hello Mrs. She!

    I am Melissa Keeler from EDM 310 in Mobile AL. The pictures you took are absolutely stunning! I grow Roses and the first picture you display shows a beauty, I can almost smell it! I also agree with your quote " The happiest people don't have everything, they just make the best of everything." Money can NOT buy happiness, happiness resides within one's own self. I actually quit using the digital camera I have and only use my phone camera now. The phone camera actually gives a crisper image than the camera ever did and the phone camera has all the same settings as the digital camera. For those of us who loose things easily (ME) it is one less item to lose. Thank you for the beautiful pictures.
